The Role of Comedy

Published by Joshua Eng on

It has been over a year since we’ve been together and while I can list many things I am faithful for in this relationship, I will choose to milk this topic across multiple blog posts, just to annoy my readers and most importantly, my beautiful girlfriend. The aspect of our relationship that I will be talking about today is rather simple, but important in my opinion. That aspect being the ability to laugh at each other and at ourselves.

During my childhood, I have had the opportunity to meet many couples with long lasting marriages. One particular couple from my childhood church stood out to me as at the time, they had been married over 70 years. When asked about the secret to their long lasting marriage, one of their first points was comedy. They mentioned how many things fade over the years, but if you can make each other laugh, you will always have that throughout your years together.

When I first joined the online dating world, I had a thought about how difficult it would be to find someone who shares the same laughs as me. Lets face it, not many can accurately gauge someone’s sense of humor based off of one date. So when first meeting Tien, I was a little nervous because she came across as someone ultra serious. It wasn’t until after our first few dates did I realize that she could banter. Eventually, I saw that she was able to laugh at jokes for movies with a rating above PG…and I was sharing those laughs with her.

Overtime, I began the see the multiple ways this strengthen our relationship.

  • Laughing improved our communication, it broke down barriers and fostered a positve, warm environment for us.
  • Laughing can increase bonding between loved ones, especially inside jokes. Sharing laughs can create a sense of closeness and connection.
  • When life throws obstacles in our way, it is good to know I have someone to laugh and stress relieve together with.

I thank God for meeting Tien everyday and the positive vibes we have from our shared sense of humor. As we age throughout the years, I hope to continually annoy and entertain my girl. As many things fade, I know our smiles and laughter never will.


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