First National Girlfriends Day (As a Taken Man)

Published by Joshua Eng on

You know what feels great? To celebrate National Girlfriends Day without needing to post this meme.

Ok all jokes aside, I had to bid my love farewell as she departed for Vietnam to do missionary work for 3 weeks. I know she will do great things there, but I will miss her. In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to go over my favorite aspects my wonderful girlfriend and perhaps share some insight has to how things have managed to go so well.

Your adorable nature

Lets get one obvious thing out of the way, my girlie is incredibly cute. Whether its nerding out over Kirby, sharing excitement over a room of claw machines or begging me for another snack trip with your googly eyes, she never fails to melt my heart with her adorable antics. It’s contagious and makes every moment with her that much more fun.

Your smile

I don’t need to say much for this one. Her smile is radiant and brightens any gloomy day. It makes me feel secure taking on any challenge because I know she’ll be by my side and keep me happy no matter what happens.

Your openness to try things

To think, she wouldn’t even try raw fish before meeting me. Now she can’t get enough of it.

I used to think I wanted to find someone who had the same all the same interests as me, essentially a carbon copy. Now I realize how boring that would be. What’s really fun is being with someone who is open to trying new things. Before I met you, I wasn’t that familiar with Vietnamese culture, Kpop or even live-action Asian dramas in general. Likewise, you weren’t really a gamer or much of an weaboo. Now, we’ve had so much fun exploring each other’s worlds. Not only that, we’ve gone on so many adventures exploring new things neither of us know about, whether it’s new foods, locations, experiences or new shows, everything has been more fun exploring with you by my side.

Your Stoopid Sense of Humor

Its rare to find someone with the same level of humor as me. Its also rare to find someone who is willing to take as many dad jokes from me as you. I love how we can joke about extremely gross things, make dumb puns, funny faces and noises with each other. We both can act like kids one second and then mature adults the next. Its so perfect how we complement each other. I feel humor is a very important part of our relationship as our jokes never get old, they just evolve.

Your Kind Heart (Except when you bully me)

I am a victim of physical girl boss abuse. She sometimes calls it cute aggression, I guess cuz I’m that cute. But underneath your tough girl boss exterior is a kind heart. I love how you’re so kind with kids and fluffy animals, I love how you’re so polite with adults and elders. Its how I know you’ll be a great mother to our kids one day.

Thank you girlie for being the best girlfriend I could ask for and happy 8 month anniversary.


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